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Saturday, February 20, 2010


note: my first email account was disabled .. sorry and i did new one and send same msg to u from sent item msg.
hello dear ...
h r u? i saw ur profile and i know it's private and for that im sending to u and i hope if we can be friends... do that if u like to be friends, u can see my profile and ask me what u want .. then u can add me on messengers and talk, i like to talk more than writing but it's to way to talk continuously :)...
anyway, i hope to be friends and be friends in real life not on the internet just, so maybe after we know together well we will see our pictures and talk through mobile and maybe we will meet fact. im looking for real friendship and honest ppl, so see what r u looking for? then i hope if u will add me also send me msg ok :) i will wait ur msg, don't forget :)

my emails are:

and my mobiles number:
primary : 077xxxxx
secoundary: 079xxxxx

u can keep them if u wanna
nice to meet u
ur luck

1 comment:

  1. nyahahahaha
    i love how the English is a poor extremely direct translation of the Arabic language.

    lol @ we will meet fact, not on the internet just
    hehe bas hay shu "ur luck" illi bil akher ma fhemt-ha
